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Woman with long brown hair wearing a shirt and black pants helps a boy wearing braces on his legs



Over 80,000 Canadians are affected by cerebral palsy and it is the most common physical disability in childhood. 

Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders in the development of motor control and posture, occurring as a result of a non-progressive impairment of the developing central nervous system. The motor disorders of cerebral palsy can be accompanied by disturbances of sensation, cognition, communication, perception, and/or seizure disorder.

Motor disability can range from minimal to profound, depending on the individual.

It can range from weakness in one hand, to an almost complete lack of voluntary movement requiring 24-hour care. Children with cerebral palsy are likely to also have other impairments in addition to their motor disability.


While cerebral palsy is not curable, training and therapy can help significantly. Management is a more accurate word than treatment. Management consists of helping a child achieve maximum potential in growth and development.

People with cerebral palsy can go to school, have jobs, get married, raise families and live in their own homes.


Most of all, people with cerebral palsy need the opportunity for independence and full inclusion in our society.


Spastic Cerebral Palsy - The most common type of CP is Spastic CP.  It affects about 80% of people with CP.  People with Spastic CP have increased muscle tone and this means that their muscles are stiff and as a result, their movements are awkward.

Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy - People with dyskinetic forms of CP have variable movement that is involuntary (outside of their control).  These involuntary movements are especially noticeable when a person attempts to move.

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy - Ataxic movements are characterized by clumsiness, imprecision, or instability.  Movements are not smooth and may appear disorganized or jerky.  The incoordination seen with ataxia occurs when a person attempts to perform voluntary movements such as walking or picking up objects.  Ataxia causes interruption of muscle control in the arms and legs,  resulting in a lack of balance and coordination.

Mixed Cerebral Palsy - Mixed CP occurs when a child exhibits symptoms of more than one type of CP.  Children diagnosed with mixed type CP have sustained damage to the motor control centers in several parts of their brain.




The Cerebral Palsy Canada Network is powered by Cerebral Palsy Alberta and is a network of cerebral palsy associations, physicians, and researchers, partnering with institutions such as the University of Alberta, McGill University, Glenrose Hospital, Kids Brain Health (NeuroDevNet) and ChildBright. 


The network acts as a resource for local organizations and community stakeholders and promotes partnerships to collaborate on addressing the issues facing persons with cerebral palsy and other disabilities Current initiatives include the development of a communications resource hub, recreational and sports promotion, World CP Day, and regional stakeholder focus groups. 


The network is actively working to ensure that all Canadians with cerebral palsy, their families and caregivers have full and equitable access to the

resources they need. 

A group of  people standing, some in wheelchairs wearing green and smiling

We Need Your Support Today!

Overlooking a blue lake a woman wearing black and white sits with a man with cast in a wheelchair


  • Increased knowledge and understanding of disability issues in each province 

  • Increased effectiveness of programs and services delivered in all provinces and territories in Canada 

  • Increased partner and organizational capacity to serve and support people with disabilities in their community 

  • Development of a strong and unified network with additional individual organizations; and  

  • Additional long-term partnerships with provincial disability and health care organizations as well as service providers to ensure challenges and barriers are identified and to collectively educate the community, government and individuals



Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability purple and black logo
Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association black wheelchair person logo with red maple leaf
Kids Brain Health Network blue, grey and red heart, brain logo
McGill University Red and white crest logo

Cerebral Palsy Canada Network is powered by Cerebral Palsy Alberta.

For more information, contact us at:


Email: Leah at

Phone: 1-800-363-2807

Cerebral Palsy Alberta green, blue and orange butterfly Life Without Limits logo

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© 2025 by Cerebral Palsy Canada Network

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